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Outdoor Fireplaces in Phoenix

Installing an outdoor fireplace in the yard of your Phoenix home can help add a refined and functional touch. It lends a sense of drama and sophistication to your yard, as well as creating a natural focal point. There’s something calming about gathering around a fireplace, and guests will use this as a place to sit and have wonderful conversations during events. People are likely to gravitate toward the fire anyway, but you can also use it as an excellent focal point for seasonal decorations. They even give you more opportunities for activities, such as roasting marshmallows to make s’mores.

How to Design a Fireplace

There are many different types of outdoor fireplaces to choose from, making them excellent additions to just about every type of yard. These permanent structures are much more decorative than firepits, which allows you to make a real statement. As you design the outdoor fireplace for your Phoenix home, consider the home itself (as well as the rest of your outdoor living space) to ensure that the fireplace complements the space while also adding something of its own. To that end, there are three important considerations to make in terms of outdoor fireplace style:


How to Design a Fireplace

There are many different types of outdoor fireplaces to choose from, making them excellent additions to just about every type of yard. These permanent structures are much more decorative than firepits, which allows you to make a real statement. As you design the outdoor fireplace for your Phoenix home, consider the home itself (as well as the rest of your outdoor living space) to ensure that the fireplace complements the space while also adding something of its own. To that end, there are three important considerations to make in terms of outdoor fireplace style:

  • Location – There are generally two approaches people take. Luckily, there is no shortage of possible ways to execute this: either install the fireplace along a natural border of your outdoor living space or use it to create a new border.
  • Size – A small, ornate fireplace might be best if you want to go for a refined look, but big options with multiple chimneys offer a different sort of appeal.
  • Material – You can choose from many different materials as you design your perfect fireplace. Stucco, brick stone, and concrete are popular options.